The GE Healthcare Cardiovascular Ultrasound Developer Partnership Program enables the development of breakthrough technology in cardiovascular health applications. Bring your ideas in AI, machine learning, image processing, visualization, analytics and more.
With the Vivid™ family of advanced ultrasound systems and EchoPAC™ workstations as your platform, the DPP is an ideal pathway for breakthrough apps that can help care for patients worldwide every day. You’ll work directly with members of the team behind the industry-leading Vivid E95 system.
Learn more about our flexible options for integrating with our systems.
Access GE 3D volume files and develop your own tools for applications such as quantification, surgical planning, 3D printing and much more.
Launch innovations in virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence-based measurement of ejection fraction and more.
Integrate your solution right into GE Healthcare products addressing user needs such as automatic segmentation or quantification, diagnostic support, 3D visualization and more.
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GE, the GE Monogram, and Vivid are trademarks of General Electric Company or one of its subsidiaries.
1Technology in development that represents ongoing research and development efforts. These technologies are not products and may never become products. Not for sale.
Not clear or approved by the FDA for commercial availability.
**ISO certification and regulatory approvals are required and are the responsibility of the application creator for commercial applications. The program is also open to non-commercial and academic participants who are interested in research. Research-only participants will not be able to target commercialization, but will be able to utilize the program to expand their research capabilities.