
Interested in the latest developments in MR?

A brand new SIGNA™ Pulse of MR magazine is now available to order and download. We cover the whole gamut of topics from breakthrough research and industry news to the pioneering technology of today. See highlights from the magazine below.

A brand new SIGNA™ Pulse of MR magazine is now available to order and download. We cover the whole gamut of topics from breakthrough research and industry news to the pioneering technology of today. See highlights from the magazine below.

Enjoy the latest issue of SIGNA Pulse of MR.

Transforming the MR imaging experience for one of Sweden’s largest pediatric hospitals

As part of a modernization project, The Queen Silvia Children’s Hospital upgraded to the SIGNA™ Architect with AIR Technology™‡. An initial evaluation by the Department of Pediatric Radiology found the new AIR Technology™ Anterior Array (AA) delivers good SNR and homogeneity for high-resolution imaging. The coil also enables flexibility and ease of positioning patients, and when used with AIR Touch™ makes coil selection easier and helps with workflow. Read more>>

Development of an MR-only radiation therapy workflow

Skåne University Hospital developed a new workflow for MR-only radiation therapy treatments to improve accuracy of treatments and enable further increases in radiation dose to specific areas with more precision. The goal was to have an MR-only workflow that would avoid the introduction of image registration errors by using both MR and CT imaging. This work has been validated through numerous research studies conducted by Skåne University Hospital. Read more>>

Dr. Jan Hendrickx
Aalst OLV Belgium

Quick Picks make it easy to use target controlled Low Flow Anaesthesia in such a manner that you can rapidly, smoothly, and ergonomically navigate anaesthetic depth to match changing clinical conditions.

ESA 2018 lecture
from Dr. Jan Hendrickx

Quick Picks and beyond:
Towards Personalizes Automated Low Flow Anaestesia

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