Title: GSI Pulmonary Perfusion. AW workflow, image interpretation and pitfalls. (Paris time zone)
Date and time: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 | 05:00 PM - 05:45 PM, Paris time zone 
Duration: 45 minutes

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Webinar agenda: 
■ Introduction to GSI Pulmonary Perfusion
■ Workflow & Interpreting the results
■ Optimizations 
■ Use cases and pitfalls

Session objectives:
■ How to use GSI pulmonary perfusion to detect perfusion defects.
■ Differentiate between the different patterns of perfusion deficit.
■ Quantify the perfusion deficit, add imaging findings and create a summary report.


Dr. Michael Fanariotis
MD, PhD, Radiologist at Telemark Hospital, Skien, Norway

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