Pursuing Health Equity in Breast Care: An interactive discussion with leading industry experts

Date: September 14, 2021
1:30pm EST/ 7:30pm CET

Register now for the upcoming webinar.

The challenge to improve health equity by eliminating disparities based on socioeconomic factors such as poverty, race, insured status and education levels is, unfortunately, not unique to women’s breast health. These disparities are prevalent across healthcare and patient communities. What can be done to help eliminate these disparities in breast care? How can industry help? Or is the onus on leaders in government? What can industry and healthcare providers do to take action to eliminate preventable differences in the burden of disease.

In this interactive panel session with leading radiologists and advocates, you will learn the following:
  • How these experts are working to improve awareness in the industry and government within their organizations
  • How these changes may impact breast care and patient care, satisfaction, and overall treatment from region to region
  • How access can be improved through technology and education
The focus of discussion will be on how each of these leaders are thinking about this rising dilemma and approaching the topic through communication, policy, advocacy and technology in the quest for increased access and equity.

What can you do to help? Join us to find out what each of us can do to pursue healthcare equity.

Register Now

​​​Moderated by:

Agnes Berzsenyi
President & CEO, Women’s Health & X-ray
GE Healthcare

Meet our speakers: 

Dr. Randy C. Miles, MPH 
Interim Service Chief, Breast Imaging
Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston

Dr. Sonali Johnson
Head of Knowledge, Advocacy and Policy
Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)

Kim Johnson
Senior Director, African American Health Equity
Susan G. Komen

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