We are delighted to extend a personalized invitation to you for our highly anticipated webinar on "Stress Perfusion in Cardiac MR", taking place on June 26th 2024 via Zoom.

Join us for an engaging session chaired by the distinguished Professor Saul Myerson, alongside esteemed guests Professor Vanessa Ferreira and Rebecca Mills. Together, they will explore the topic of stress perfusion in Cardiac MR and provide an invaluable insight into their radiographer-led service in clinical practice.


Time Topic
18:55 Lobby Opens
19:00 Introduction
Professor Saul Myerson
19:05 A Radiographer led stress service in clinical practice
Rebecca Mills
19:20 CMR Myocardial Stress Perfusion Imaging in Clinical Practice
Professor Vanessa Ferreira
Rebecca Mills
20:05 Q & A
20:15 Close

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